Are you tired of hourly rates ?

Do hourly rates frighten you when it comes to calling a Cincinnati plumbing service company? We don’t blame you because it’s a no loose situation for the plumbing company. This leaves you two options. The first is to do it yourself or the second is to call a flat rate plumbing company.

Most Cincinnati Plumbers that do flat rate pricing will not quote prices over the phone because they want their foot in your front door first! For example when you commit to a service call fee or diagnostic fee they have their foot in the door. This usually gives them the upper hand in the matter. When they arrive at your house and ask how you’ll be paying for the service call right off the bat you feel committed in a way to do business right then and there. You already have a plumber there anyway, right?  Keep in mind that the service call fee or diagnostic fee is just to explain what is wrong and how much they will charge to fix that particular problem only. They give you an inflated price and rely upon the fact that you will feel it necessary to take care of the problem then and there. As I explained before now you feel committed. If their price seems to high even to someone who doesn’t know plumbing then pay their service fee and call someone else to get a different price. You will save money in the long run.The problem lies in the fact that most of the flat rate companies out there have a large overhead because of their full page advertising in the yellow pages 15,000.00 – 25,000.00 a month believe it or not. The service plumber they send you is also working off of commission. You know what that means, the more money they get you to spend while they have you the more they make in commission. The company also makes more money to pay those yellow page ads off every month. I have been to seminars on flat rate pricing and disagree with one key value that they teach companies to do in flat rate pricing programs. They teach and actually emphasize that as a company you don’t want repeat customers. That’s right, you go in once and get a large amount of money and go on to the next house not expecting any repeat business. Sorry folks but I can’t swallow that. Why be in business?

Our Solution !

We have the solution to your plumbing service call uncertainties. When you call us at 513-383-4242 we will give you an approximate price over the phone on how much the total cost of your repairs could and should be! If you schedule a service call with us for a fee of $ 25.00, we will arrive at your residence not first asking how you will pay but with a “hello I am so and so with Flow-Rite Plumbing, let’s take a look at that problem you have”. Our technicians are not working on commission they are paid an hourly rate respective of their plumbing experience and performance on the job day to day. They are not trying to up sale you on everything to make a commission. This is why we are the plumbers that you will call back when you have another problem because we treated you better than the company before us and better than most ever have. After assessing the problem and the proper solution for it you will then be given a verbal explanation and pricing for the total of work to be completed. If you decide to proceed with the work, then and only then will we ask how you will be paying  for either for the service call only or the service call and the work to be performed. The service call is included in your total price when work is performed. You will be advised of warranty in writing on your invoice.

We don’t advertise in the phone book because we don’t have to! You will only find us online, from a business card, refrigerator magnet, pen or by the most popular, word of mouth! Usually this comes from family, friends and neighbors. This saves us money and in turn saves our customers money. Our business comes from word of mouth advertising. It’s pretty simple. The only way we stay in business is treating our customer the way we want to be treated and that’s with knowledge and respect. That’s how we do it folks and it doesn’t get any easier than that!

As always…… Why be Wrong ? …..When you can Flow-Rite!