Do you live in Glendale,OH ?
If you reside in Glendale Ohio then you should know who to call when you need a professional Glendale plumber. We specialize in plumbing repairs on older homes like the ones in the Glendale area. Flow-Rite Plumbing has made many of your neighbors satisfied customers. We are quite familiar with the older plumbing piping and fixtures located in many homes in the Glendale area. We have access to all the hard to find parts that these older fixtures require and are knowledgeable about them.
If you are tired of the old (standby) plumbing company and are in need of a Glendale plumbing company you can trust time and time again when it comes to working on your older plumbing piping then give us a call at (513) 383-4242.
Why be Wrong?…..When you can Flow-Rite!
(513) 383-4242