Feel free to call a Cincinnati Plumber at (513) 383-4242 and get a free estimate on all your Cincinnati plumbing needs.

We can usually quote prices for water heaters and fixture replacements over the phone or via our contact form. Estimates over the phone are ball park figures only unless stated otherwise and are usually a not to exceed number or worst case scenario. Remember that only so much information about the job can be given consideration when giving an estimate. Without actually seeing the actual circumstances of the specific job we cannot give a 100 percent price to complete the job.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes however please understand that we cannot be 100 percent accurate without seeing the job site. There may be circumstances unforseen by both parties.

We will advise the customer in writing of any increase or decrease in pricing before the work is complete.

On site estimates are available for a fee of 25.00 and include a hard price estimate of all work to be performed. The 25 dollar fee will be credited towards the work being estimated if performed. All new work is guaranteed for a period of one year and all repair work is warranted as well but may vary depending upon the situation. The customer will be advised verbally and in writing in either case.